Monday, December 28, 2009
I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas!! I know we did. We went up to North Texas to visit with all of our family. We had a white Christmas! The kids loved playing in the snow, and seeing everyone. They got a wii this year. They have loved playing it!!! The girls are crazy about their dolls that look like them. Memaw blew them away! They also got a BIG train set from our awesome neighbors. We love them! Jonah loves his lego fire truck from PopPop.
On Christmas Eve Jaela sang with her Daddy. She sang Away in a Manger, and thought she was a rock star! She asked our neighbors to the whole family joined us! I love Christmas, but I am soooo glad it is over! I am tired of fighting Jesse Ava off the tree!
More pictures to come!!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Catching up...
Hey all. We are starting a new stage in life in the Mohr house. Along with that, comes trying to get our heads on straight! Jeremiah was laid off last week. So let the job search begin!! Fun. I am just now posting Halloween pictures... and here are a few more from the past 2 weeks. We will be home for Thanksgiving! Maybe we will see some of you then!
Friday, October 30, 2009
Spooky Spiders!!
Jaela took her pretty pink spider named Jewel to school today for the Spider Parade... There is also a picture of one of the 3 little boys that are chasing Jaela. His name is Grant. :o) He is in the middle, and Brayden is right behind him. Oh man. 1st grade and already "boys boys boys!!"...not looking forward to the teen years!
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
It's Trick or Treat time!!
We have been looking forward to this week for a while! Jaela has a spider project and spider parade on Friday. She had to create her own type of spider and write a speech to give to her class. The 1st graders will put on a parade through the fun!! We will Trick or Treat and hand out candy on Saturday. This year we will have a giraffe, pirate girl, ninja turtle, and another that has yet to decide. I can't wait to take pictures. We will also decorate the house/yard tonight. I will post a picture of that later.
I have been thinking a lot lately about how blessed I am. We have such great family and friends! Please keep our neighbors in your prayers. Their 16 year old daughter was in a horrible car accident involving a drunk driver. She was in the hospital for a week and has several broken bones. (eye socket, teeth, skull, wrist, hip, ribs....) She is very lucky because the other girl in the back seat is paralyzed from the waist down and still fighting for her life. Another thing that reminds me to be thankful is a man at our church. He helped me with Rock-n-Roast. He came to me while I was planning and said he wanted to help. He also said that he could not do too much due to having colon cancer in the 3rd stage. He was given 6 months to live, and that was a year ago!! He helped so much with the cooking team and helped set up/clean up. We all need to know how blessed we are.
I will have pictures to post later tonight! Have a great day!!!
I have been thinking a lot lately about how blessed I am. We have such great family and friends! Please keep our neighbors in your prayers. Their 16 year old daughter was in a horrible car accident involving a drunk driver. She was in the hospital for a week and has several broken bones. (eye socket, teeth, skull, wrist, hip, ribs....) She is very lucky because the other girl in the back seat is paralyzed from the waist down and still fighting for her life. Another thing that reminds me to be thankful is a man at our church. He helped me with Rock-n-Roast. He came to me while I was planning and said he wanted to help. He also said that he could not do too much due to having colon cancer in the 3rd stage. He was given 6 months to live, and that was a year ago!! He helped so much with the cooking team and helped set up/clean up. We all need to know how blessed we are.
I will have pictures to post later tonight! Have a great day!!!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Fall is Here!

Funny that fall is here, and it is still in the upper 90's in Houston...
Our family has had a lot of fun over the past few days! I was worn out from my Canton trip, but that doesn't slow this family down!! We had a picnic at the park the other day. The park by our house is amazing! I have included pictures from that. We have a big event on Sunday at our church called Rock-N-Roast. I had an idea in my head for an outreach to the apartment complexes around our neighborhood. Our preacher and I met and talked... now I am running with it!! We will have worship in our amphitheater, hot dogs galore, bounce house/slide, batting cages and a bunch of give aways! We have a 42' flat screen, desk top computer, free house cleaning, mary kay spa pack, and a lot of gift cards- all to give away! I am so thankful for all of the help with this!! Not only do we have all of that, but we have Jeremiah's parents coming in on Thursday, Brian, Tonya, Addie, and Ellie all coming in on Friday, tons of work to do for the rock-n-roast on Saturday, and ALL day Sunday!! Is it Monday yet?? Busy Busy! I have also started taking orders for girl's head band flowers, and have 3 diaper cakes to do... I need to clone myself. lol! Somehow, I need to grocery shop and clean my house at some point, and don't forget my kids and hubby. Whew! I am tired from just reading all of my "to do" list! Guess I better get busy. Hope everyone has a great rest of the week and weekend!
Monday, September 28, 2009
Weekend with my Mom!!
I don't usually do all text and no picture blogs, but I wanted to blog about my mom...
My parents are great. They are so good at keeping distance when there needs to be, and stepping up to help when we need them. My mom is such a strong lady. I am very lucky to have her. Growing up, we had our moments... what mom/daughter don't?? Now we are best friends. She is so caring and selfless. When I found out that I was pregnant with Jaela, there was always the thought in my mind that I wanted to be an awesome mom like her.
My dad on the other hand.... I'm just kidding! My dad has had his rough moments. He has amazed me with all of the good changes he has made in his life. He is such an amazing PePaw, and dad. I am very thankful for my parents, and so very happy that they chose me.
This weekend I am going to Canton trades days with my mom! I can't wait! Hopefully we will find some good stuff, but most of all, we will get to spend time together.
My parents are great. They are so good at keeping distance when there needs to be, and stepping up to help when we need them. My mom is such a strong lady. I am very lucky to have her. Growing up, we had our moments... what mom/daughter don't?? Now we are best friends. She is so caring and selfless. When I found out that I was pregnant with Jaela, there was always the thought in my mind that I wanted to be an awesome mom like her.
My dad on the other hand.... I'm just kidding! My dad has had his rough moments. He has amazed me with all of the good changes he has made in his life. He is such an amazing PePaw, and dad. I am very thankful for my parents, and so very happy that they chose me.
This weekend I am going to Canton trades days with my mom! I can't wait! Hopefully we will find some good stuff, but most of all, we will get to spend time together.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Sweet Girl
Surprise for Jeremiah...

Thought it might be cool to surprise Jeremiah with new pictures of our kids. We have been talking about how fast they are all growing, so I took them tonight and got pictures done! Let me just say that taking 4 kids to an hour and a half photo session is hell. There is no nice way to put it. They turned out good. I got them on a CD too, but they put them on there as raw pictures and not cropped... they look better cropped and printed out.
Jaela is very excited about our family activity this weekend. We are serving in the "Family Promise" ministry. We will (with some sweet friends) make dinner and eat with 3 single moms and their kids all under 11. These families are homeless. The average age of a homeless person in Houston is 9 years old. That is heart breaking. Since there are about 6-7 kids, Jaela had the idea to have the moms and kids make their own pizzas. This is something that we do all the time, and the kids love it! She thought it would be something that they could do as a family. I can't wait!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
JoJo is 2!
where has time gone?!

We have been so busy!! It has been a while since the last post...sorry! We have had a great few weeks. Our sweet Joelle turned 2!!! It is crazy to think that if she had been born with clubfeet like we all thought and the sonogram said...she would still be in casts from her hips to her toes. We would just now have an evaluation to see if it was corrected enough to cut the casts in half for the next 9 months. Wow. We wouldn't get to hug and hold her without her being in pain, and she wouldn't be running around with her brother and sister. She wouldn't be pushing her baby (Bella) in the stroller or even crawling.... I will never forget the joy of the Dr. handing me each of my children for the first time. I will never forget looking at the faces of the Dr. and nurse as they looked at the sono pictures of mangled and twisted feet. I will never forget the nights I cried myself to sleep thinking about the struggle my daughter had ahead of her, and she hadn't even been born yet. I will never forget asking that people not buy footed pj's for her, or the thought of not being able to really cuddle my sweet girl. I will never forget Dr. Alling rushing Joelle off to be examined right away to see how bad her feet were. I will never forget him jumping up and down yelling "PRAISE GOD!!" when her feet were straight!!!... but most of all I will NEVER forget that my God is a healing God. Now she says "pain no way Jesus. Maman" and stomps on the devil with feet that he tried to mess with... She is an everyday reminder that our God is amazing.
Here are some pictures from her Birthday, and some other fun stuff. Mom, just for you... Joelle had cold pizza for breakfast this morning =o)
Friday, September 4, 2009
Our week in a nutshell
We have had a good week in the Mohr house. 1st grade is still treating Jae well. She hasn't had any homework yet!! Our family has had fun watching these little lizards grow and run around. The kids pick them up, and they crawl all over! There are a few of them, and we think they live behind our couch... They are too cute. I can't bring myself to get rid of them! There is a new ice cream truck/man in town... He comes by our house about 3 times a week. It is always dinner time when we hear the music and horn. Jaela, Jonah and Joelle LOVE the ice cream truck! Jae has a goal of trying all the different kinds, and Jonah sticks to the teenage mutant ninja turtles...Joelle is happy with whatever. So fun! Jeremiah left around 5am to go to Colorado for the weekend. He went with his brother, Duck and a few other guys. I'm sure they will have fun! While he is away we are gonna PLAY! Tonya, Addie and Ellie are coming to stay the weekend with me! Poor Jonah. He is so very out numbered... 7-1!
We are also moving Jonah and Joelle in their own rooms in the next few weeks. Joelle will share a room with Jesse Ava. Jonah needs his own non-girl invaded room! Oh, and Jaela lost her 6th tooth last night. Man, our kids are growing up too fast!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009

And so it begins! Our schedule has gotten back to greatness. Jaela likes school so far. She has such a heart for those around her. That makes me so proud. Here's a picture from the 1st and 2nd days of the first grade...
I also threw in some pictures of the kids at the water park and Joelle trying to ride Daisy. Hope everyone has a good day!
Saturday, August 22, 2009
last day of summer!
This was the last Friday of our summer! We thought we would have a little fun. We had ice cream for lunch, played on the play ground, went to Double Dave's Pizza, played video games, had 2 huge cinnamon pizzas, made a giant tent, and had a sleep over! I would say that was some FUN!! We also met Jaela's teacher. Mrs. Barnes is her name, and homework is her game!! She is known for giving a ton of homework. Jaela was excited to see one of her "besties" in her class. Sarah is a sweet girl, and so is her mom. Brayden- "the boyfriend" is also in her class... Jaela was a little sad that her other "bestie" Megan wasn't in her class. Oh well, that's how the cookie crumbles! I am so ready to get back in our groove and schedule! Sleeping late will be a thing of the past though....booooo. By late, I mean 7am. Here comes the school year rush!!
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