

Monday, March 5, 2012

The queen kite flyer, Jesse Ava!
We had a great day on Saturday. I bought cheap kites for the kids this past week, and they were so excited to try them out. It was so fun! We flew kites for about 2 hours. Jesse Ava was the best little kite flyer. Needless to say, we wore them out!

Run sister!! Keep that kite up!
 We wore them out. They ran the length of the field over and over! Best $1.50 or so that I've spent!!!
Joelle would rather pick flowers!

 That night we had our small group get together. I am very excited to see this group grow and live life together. We have some awesome people that have such great hearts. I am so very thankful for the gained friendships and family we have in this group. I am looking forward to what God has for us! 
Everything was fine......until.... ha. Around 1am Jesse Ava woke up screaming. I met her on the stairs and found that her left side (hair, face & pj shirt) was covered in yucky ear goop. Also, she had thrown up in her bed. I knew from experience, that her ear drum had busted. Her's has busted 3 times now within about 2 years. She was in a lot of pain. I could not get her to calm down. High fever, screaming, squirming...for about an hour and a half. I gave up. I took her to the ER. They got us in so very quickly and were amazing with her. Our doc was so great with kids! He drew her pictures, printed out Disney pictures and they gave her princess crayons. -All while she screamed away.

Sweet girl. It is so hard to see your kids hurt,  and not be able to stop the pain.

Such a good attitude...and fake smile! :)

We could hear a man a few rooms down yelling for the nurse and saying "OOOOOUCH!!!!! NURSE!!!!!" I think it scared Jesse Ava. She was hurting but very concerned for this guy. In her tears she said "Mommy! We have to pray for that man. Thank you Jesus for that guy. Make him feel better in Jesus name, amen." Let's remember that she is 2 years old... My heart melted and was so proud. When our doctor came back in she was still crying but was sure to tell him that he needed to pray for that guy too. I think it caught him off guard, and he just said- wow...ooook. lol.
Jesse Ava finally calmed down and was feeling better. She was set on giving one of her colored pictures to "That Man", so we asked the nurse to take it to him. On our way out the doctor said "Mom, you must be doing something right."
Now, I don't know about that, BUT I do know that showing the love of God is very important in a million ways. I know that prayer works, and I know that I want to live with a child-like faith.

God, I am so very thankful for the gifts that you have given me. Especially the 4 crazy ones. I am blessed by their hearts and faith on a daily basis. Please continue to bless, protect, and use my children. Help us old people have a child-like faith. ~Amen

Every child comes with the message that God is not yet discouraged of man.  ~Rabindranath Tagore 

Friday, March 2, 2012

Garden Time!!

We planted our garden this week. Tomatoes, bell pepper (two kinds) onions, cucumbers, strawberries, and cantaloupe. I think that's all... It's been one of those weeks. I might be crazy by bed time tonight! :)

Our yummy pancakes and muddy fun... Great mix huh??!!

While planting, we found rolly pollies and some interesting bugs/worms. The kids also enjoyed some mud play... We also celebrated National Pancake Day in the UK. -Thanks to my sweet friend, Clair Berry. Family came to visit us over last weekend. We went to play Laser Tag and celebrated Jeremiah's birthday. Lots of fun around here!!---We did school work too, I promise :)