Funny that fall is here, and it is still in the upper 90's in Houston...
Our family has had a lot of fun over the past few days! I was worn out from my Canton trip, but that doesn't slow this family down!! We had a picnic at the park the other day. The park by our house is amazing! I have included pictures from that. We have a big event on Sunday at our church called Rock-N-Roast. I had an idea in my head for an outreach to the apartment complexes around our neighborhood. Our preacher and I met and talked... now I am running with it!! We will have worship in our amphitheater, hot dogs galore, bounce house/slide, batting cages and a bunch of give aways! We have a 42' flat screen, desk top computer, free house cleaning, mary kay spa pack, and a lot of gift cards- all to give away! I am so thankful for all of the help with this!! Not only do we have all of that, but we have Jeremiah's parents coming in on Thursday, Brian, Tonya, Addie, and Ellie all coming in on Friday, tons of work to do for the rock-n-roast on Saturday, and ALL day Sunday!! Is it Monday yet?? Busy Busy! I have also started taking orders for girl's head band flowers, and have 3 diaper cakes to do... I need to clone myself. lol! Somehow, I need to grocery shop and clean my house at some point, and don't forget my kids and hubby. Whew! I am tired from just reading all of my "to do" list! Guess I better get busy. Hope everyone has a great rest of the week and weekend!
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