

Sunday, August 7, 2011


There is a lot of loss going on right now. I saw a sweet friend who lost her husband. Although almost a year ago, I know that she still hurts, and misses him. We also have a friend that just today lost a family member. Our preacher had a very tough job of a funeral for a young father this week...
Loss is not only death, but also ending friendships, disconnection from family, or even moving away from those you love. I hate loss. In any form.

I have not dealt with death very well since 1997. I lost 6 dear people that year at the age of 17. Car accident with several friends, another friend to a car accident, grandfather and a sweet boy that I babysat. I have seen my parents both cry at the loss of a parent, seen my school class mourn the loss of several, and heard the screams of a mom at the loss of a child. That year I prayed for God to take me. It felt like that was coming true in 2003. My first cancer diagnosis. My daughter was 10 weeks old. My marriage was falling apart. I felt alone. At 21 I was creating my will, and facing cancer with my family 6 hours away. It ended up all working out, but at that point I felt alone. I made it through and only 1 thing is the same today as 15 years ago....God. He didn't change or leave.

In the Bible, God says "I am with you" over 241 times.

Run to your Father to get you through this. He understands and wants to provide you with comfort. You are His precious child, whom He loves and cherishes.

Lean on Him, and not what we can't understand.
Josh- know that we are praying for you. We love you.

1 comment:

{amy} said...

Loss stinks! I completely understand how you've felt since '97. I had a year like that in 90/91. You have faced a lot & overcome a lot. Thank you for the reminder that God is with you. I hadn't realized He said it so many times! I may have to look up each & every one of them one of these days!