

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

let's give it a try.

This week has started off rough!! The bad part is, it is just Tuesday! Monday was horrible. Jonah is in a very tough "season" lol. I will win. I also started potty training Joelle...I will win with that too! Our day was so bad that we had a picnic and movie in the living room floor for dinner just to have a good ending. Jaela finishes up swimming lessons this week. She has lessons 3 days in a row. She loves it, and can swim on her own now. I will miss spending time with Nancy. (my sweet friend that I told you about before) Today, has been much better. Joelle is doing pretty good with potty training. Why is it that it is so tough on us parents?! She is really growing up. This afternoon, Jaela and I were in the garage sorting garage sale stuff and we found a tiny frog. It was very cute. We went inside to get something to catch it in....and it was gone. We searched for it in the flower beds, but it got away. I decided to pull weeds while I was out there, and also cut down a few limbs that were hanging down. Well, critters is the word of the day. I found a huge ant pile (all up my leg) and a small garden snake. Whoo hoo. I went to get the shovel to kill the snake, and it got away too!! Needless to say, I am no Jack Hanna... I tried. I am not afraid of snakes, but I would like to know where it went. Oh well.

Tonight I am going to dinner with a girl friend, and coming home to watch my DVR of Big Brother...

The pictures are of JoJo on the potty. - Jae, Jonah, JoJo, and Jesse Ava before church.- and our picnic...

1 comment:

{amy} said...

I hope your week gets better!

& I loved JoJo's England shirt! I told my guests about it!